Friday, February 10, 2006

Team Heather's New 2006 Honorary Team Captain - Julie Murphy Wells

Julie Murphy Wells

John McMahon/JohnEBongo Photography (

Team Heather is proud to announce our 2006 Komen National Race for the Cure's Honorary Team Captain is the lead singer from "Eddie from Ohio," and my very good friend, Julie Murphy Wells. "EFO" is a local Virginia band with an unwaveringly dedicated following and over 15 years of national touring and CD sales success. They've been called "the greatest band you've never heard of," and their most recent CD, "This Is Me," showcases Julie's amazing talents.

Julie is the Team Captain for Bubba's Buddies, a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation team organized around her son who was diagnosed with the disease several years ago. To date, Bubba's Buddies has raised over $50,000 for Juvenile Diabetes research and treatment. Last summer, Julie was diagnosed with breast cancer and is now undergoing her last rounds of chemotherapy; remission, here she comes! For those who know and love Julie, we aren't surprised she's tackling this experience with the same faith, courage, humor, and spirit with which she walks through life.

Julie is joined onstage each performance by Robbie Shaefer, Michael Clem, and Eddie Hartness - together they bring down the house. With the recent addition of the Grammy Winning Producer, Lloyd Maines (Dixie Chicks), "EFO" is busier than ever. Their most recent tour is taking them to venues across the country, from Virginia to California, and many places in between. Look for them coming to a stage near you.

Team Heather is proud and humbled to welcome Julie Murphy Wells as our 2006 Honorary Team Captain and we look forward to supporting her every step of the way in her own battle. Thank you Julie and we love you.

EFO's Nine CD's To Date

A Juggler on His Blades - 1992
Actually Not - 1993
I Rode Fido Home - 1995
Big Noise - 1997
Portable EFO Show - 1998
Looking Out the Fishbowl - 1999
Quick - 2001
Three Rooms - 2003
This is Me - 2004

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