Saturday, February 04, 2006

Bumper Stickers That Matter

There are so many damn bumper stickers here in Washington, D.C. that announce everything from, "My 5 Year Old is on the Honor Roll at Pre-School," "My Other Car is a Broomstick," "Visualize World Peas," and "Your Tailgating is Really Bothering my Phone Call."

Heck, Chris and I have even joined the bumper sticker craze this week when we ordered, "This Teacher Gives W an F," "My Dog is Smarter Than Your President," "January 20, 2009 - The End of an Error," and "W - The Bigot."

But I think it's time we slap something on our Range Rovers, SUV's, H-3's, and BMW's that really makes a difference. Here are some links to a number of fantastic Breast Cancer Awareness bumper stickers sites where you can order your stickers right online.

Drop $3 on a bumper sticker with a good message for a change, not just another "I'd Rather Be Fishing!" Here are a couple options: - Breast Cancer Isn't Prejudice

29685331 - Breast Cancer Sucks - One In Seven

scarebaby.29432875 - Hope - Simple Breast Cancer Ribbon - Survivor

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