Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sheryl Crow Announces Her Personal Breast Cancer Battle

Sheryl Crow is not stranger to overcoming the odds. She wrote her first song at age 13 and worked as a music teacher for autisitc children. She went from jingle-writing to become a backup singer for Michael Jackson. She was offered only dance-pop contracts after Jackson's "Bad" tour and turned everyone of them down in her quest to be a rocker. She battled personal depression, professional scandal, the controversial death of an ex-boyfriend, and more. She's written songs for Wynonna Judd, Celine Dion, Stevie Nicks, and Eric Clapton and sung an unlikely duet with Kid Rock. She's been a Bond girl with her writing and performance of the theme song for Tomorrow Never Dies. She's had countless Grammy-winning hits and saw just as many platinum-selling albums. She's dated and broken up with one of the world's most revered athletes. She's over 40 and hotter than ever. And now, she 's a breast cancer suvivor.

This week, Crow announced her battle with breast cancer in a statement:

"Approximately 1 in 7 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime and more than 2 million Americans are living with breast cancer today. I am joining the more than 200,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.

We are a testament to the importance of early detection and new treatments. I encourage all women everywhere to advocate for themselves and for their future. See your doctor and be proactive about your health.

More than 10 million Americans are living with cancer, and they demonstrate the ever-increasing possibility of living beyond cancer. I am inspired by the brave women who have faced this battle before me and grateful for the support of family and friends."

It is ironic that in 2000, she performed for a "Rock Against Breast Cancer" Concert. Who would have guessed she'd be the beneficiary of such a wonderful chapter in this long battle. Good luck in your recovery, Sheryl. With your inner strength, winner's attitude, and admirable confidence, your battle has already been won.

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