Monday, February 13, 2006

Taking the "1 in 7" Idea a Step Farther

In exploring hundreds and hundreds of websites dedicated to supporting, informing, motivating, treating, teaching, empowering, guiding, and arming women in the fight against breast cancer, the quote that best sums up what we are all trying to do comes from the founders of

"Every woman in America will be touched by breast cancer in her lifetime. One in seven women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. The other six will know her. "

It doesn't get more powerful than that.

I sent an email out to dozens of my friends and family with the link to this blog. I asked them to get lost in it and hit me back with ideas on how to get the message out with the greatest success. One of my friends suggested we put the link to Team Heather in our email's signature. Great idea Caroline! If you enjoy this site, please consider making it part of the signature for either your work or personal email.

I appreciate each of you who come to this blog and would welcome any comments you might have. Feel free to post them on here, or email me at

1 comment:

Steph said...

Thanks for such a phenomenal job to spread the word about curing breast cancer. I really love your blog! Your "for the cure" links are a TON of fun to look at, and thanks for including my "Hike for the Cure" on the list. :)

And thank you for commenting on my site! On behalf of my aunt, thank YOU!
