Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Team Heather Goes Global....and so much more!

On Saturday, June 6th, nearly 45,000 people came together as a living testament to the power of individuals to impact the world. The outcome of this gathering was nothing short of miraculous $4,300,000 raised to help those battling breast cancer and to end breast cancer forever.

With the knowledge that every 68 seconds, a woman, along with her hopes and dreams and future, dies of breast cancer, and with cancer taking the lives of 7 million individuals worldwide each year, more than AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis combined, there has never been a more important time to act, so thank you!

With Komen’s promise of 75% of all monies raised going towards supporting the underserved and disadvantaged in the Nation’s Capital, an estimated $3,225,000 will stay in Washington, D.C. a record for our event. The remaining $1,075,000 will make a much-needed global impact in areas like Serbia, the country with the highest breast cancer rates in the world. In one small village, over 800 women were recently diagnosed with varying stages of breast cancer.

Team Heather’s contribution to these efforts is momentous. So far in 2009, Team Heather members, donors, supporters, friends, and family have raised an astonishing $55,193.72; bringing our overall total to $241,393.72 since 2002.

Because of you, and with Komen’s promise, $41,395.29 of what we raised will go towards essential breast cancer programs, similar to: “Increasing Breast Cancer Screening Capacity for Women Living in Poverty,” “Massage Therapy for Medically Underserved Breast Cancer Patients,” “Brains, Breasts & Beauty: The Use It or Lose It Program for Women 18-40,” “Breast Cancer Screening and Education for Low-Income Latinas,” “Increasing Breast Cancer Screening for Women with Disabilities,” and more.

With the addition of a global focus this year, the work of Team Heather will be farther-reaching than ever; the remaining $13,798.43 U.S. dollars will make a HUGE impact towards something like the purchase of a mobile mammography vehicle for a developing country.

I promised Heather I would continue leading our small efforts towards this remarkable campaign of realizing a world without breast cancer. Over the past months, I’ve visited the Komen website daily, where the words “Impact: Make One!” struck me deeper with each and every visit. On Saturday, June 6th, I saw 45,000 people with “Impact: I Made One!” on their backs. They, like you, are a testament to the power of this campaign.

On Saturday, June 5, 2010, Team Heather will celebrate our 10th anniversary in the groundbreaking event that is now the Global Race for the Cure Team Heather X, if I might. It will be the landmark year where we surpass a quarter-of-a-million dollars raised in Heather’s name; where we see new team fundraisers like “Poker for the Cure” in Maine, “OctoberBreast for the Cure” in Virginia, and “Renee for the Cure” in Florida, with dozens of events in between; and where we will once again assemble in Washington, D.C. to shout as one, with the loudest, proudest, strongest voice possible, “Impact: I Made One!”

Registration is ALREADY up and running for Team Heather X. To join today, and to never have to hear an appeal for the 2010 race from me that, in itself, is worth it simply click on the link.

Yours with great appreciation,
Shawn Gardner
Team Heather Captain

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