Monday, June 29, 2009

Barron's Bottles for Boobs

Imagine Life Without Breast Cancer.

That is what they are doing in Maine. Lyndon & Lee Ann Barron are getting serious early in the fundraising for Team Heather and the 2010 Global Race for the Cure. Even though the 2010 Race is a year away, the Barron's feel it is never too early to start raising money for this incredibly important cause. So, on June 20, 2009, Lyndon & Lee Barron officially launched:
The Barron's will be collecting returnable bottles and cans from friends and neighbors within their community of Damariscotta, ME, with all proceeds going to Team Heather in the 2010 Global Race for the Cure.

All summer, (all year if their community would like!) the Barron's will gladly pick up returnable bottles and cans and take them away; or, community members may drop these empties off at their leisure. Lyndon & Lee Ann have established a "Bottles for Boobs" Drop Off Container next to their garage and invite friends and neighbors within their community to come by anytime!! Every nickel redeemed will be donated to Team Heather in the 2010 Global Race for the Cure to end breast cancer.

Please support the Barron's in this effort! When visiting the Team Heather website, look for team member Lee Ann Barron for an easy online donation; if you have any questions about "Bottles for Boobs," feel free to contact Lyndon & Lee Ann at

So............. Barron's Bottles for Boobs is in full swing!!

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