Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Logo for Team Heather

Team Heather introduces its new Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Global Race for the Cure and Fundraising logo - TA DA!!!


1) See Team Heather X 2010 and watch our progress over the coming year click here:

2) Follow Team Heather on Twitter (@teamheather) click here:

3) Follow us on the Team Heather Facebook page click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherFacebook

4) See the interview on ABC News Channel 8 and hear Heather’s story in a whole new way click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherYouTube

5) See WTOP’s coverage of Race Day and Team Heather’s involvement in the opening ceremonies click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherWTOP

6) See the breathtaking video, “Imagine Life Without Breast Cancer,” explaining our new global emphasis click here: http://tiny.cc/ImagineLifeWithoutBreastCancer

7) Read about Team Heather members in Maine making a difference click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherBIWNews

8) Read coverage of the 1st Annual SCSS NJHS Talent Show click here:http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherSCSSTalentShow

9) Read the Washington Times article on Team Heather 2007 click here:http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherWashTimes

10) Visit Conservatives for the Cure click here:http://conservativesforthecure.org/

11) View the history of Team Heather 2009 click here:http://tiny.cc/TeamHeather2009

12) View the history of Team Heather 2008 click here:http://tiny.cc/TeamHeather2008

Monday, June 29, 2009

Barron's Bottles for Boobs

Imagine Life Without Breast Cancer.

That is what they are doing in Maine. Lyndon & Lee Ann Barron are getting serious early in the fundraising for Team Heather and the 2010 Global Race for the Cure. Even though the 2010 Race is a year away, the Barron's feel it is never too early to start raising money for this incredibly important cause. So, on June 20, 2009, Lyndon & Lee Barron officially launched:
The Barron's will be collecting returnable bottles and cans from friends and neighbors within their community of Damariscotta, ME, with all proceeds going to Team Heather in the 2010 Global Race for the Cure.

All summer, (all year if their community would like!) the Barron's will gladly pick up returnable bottles and cans and take them away; or, community members may drop these empties off at their leisure. Lyndon & Lee Ann have established a "Bottles for Boobs" Drop Off Container next to their garage and invite friends and neighbors within their community to come by anytime!! Every nickel redeemed will be donated to Team Heather in the 2010 Global Race for the Cure to end breast cancer.

Please support the Barron's in this effort! When visiting the Team Heather website, look for team member Lee Ann Barron for an easy online donation; if you have any questions about "Bottles for Boobs," feel free to contact Lyndon & Lee Ann at twncanoe@tidewater.net

So............. Barron's Bottles for Boobs is in full swing!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Follow Team Heather on Twitter and YouTube

Click here to watch me interviewed on ABC News Channel 8 in Washington, D. C. on the work of Team Heather through Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

And consider following Team Heather's updates on Twitter (@teamheather). I have included several of my Twitter updates below for your consideration.

Thank you and let me know if you have any questions - gardnershawn68@aol.com


Guide to save people time & energy in finding key breast cancer information online (GREAT RESOURCE) - http://tiny.cc/BCGuide - #breastcancer

Article I wrote in Family Magazine for Susan G. Komen on experiences of being a co-survivor - http://tiny.cc/FamilyMagazine - #breastcancer

A friend just had her 1st mammo; I thought info on how to prepare for a mammo might be helpful - http://tiny.cc/Preparing - #breastcancer

Support the ACLU & Public Patent Foundation's lawsuit to liberate the BRCA1 & BRCA2 genes - http://tiny.cc/BreastCancer... - #breastcancer

Be careful folks! 10 Surprising facts about U.S. health care comp. to that of Canada's gov-run - http://www.ncpa.org/pub/ba649 #breastcancer

Find breast cancer clinical trials near you or targeted at you - http://tiny.cc/FindClinical... - #breastcancer

Mammo availability DROPS as breast cancer rates SOAR in countries with gov-run health care - http://tiny.cc/DeadlyMix - http://tiny.cc/US637

192,370 women will be diag. with & 40,170 women will die of breast cancer in 2009; know your risks! http://tiny.cc/2009Stats - #breastcancer

I Just found this out; made me sad. Barbara Gittings, gay rights pioneer, dead at 75 from breast cancer - http://tiny.cc/BarbaraGitti...

@breastfestfilm - Thanks for the retweet. LOVE your event idea; just wish I was closer! www.breastfestfilmfest.com - #breastcancer

Filmmakers! Submit short films (10 min) of any kind focusing on breast cancer for film fest in Ontario, 11/20-21 www.breastfestfilmfest.com

WHY does anyone smoke, especially when more & more is learned about its link to breast cancer - http://tiny.cc/WhyDoYouSmoke - #breastcancer

Women in MN, take advantage of free mammograms and a bonus - http://tiny.cc/FreeMammos - #breastcancer

Check out the 2-day, 100 mile Endure for the Cure in East Peoria, IL on July 10-12 - http://www.endureforthecure... - #breastcancer

What could be better or easier in the battle against breast cancer than Eat for the Cure? http://www.lulu.com/content... - #breastcancer

Take a minute to sign the "I Vote for the Cure" Petition, which outlines 3 critical goals for Obama - http://tiny.cc/Vote354 - #breastcancer

Don't usually like breast cancer products, but this one SMELLS SO GOOD! - http://tiny.cc/Shower288 - #breastcancer

Heading to Maine for vac so thought I'd highlight this event battling breast cancer in Mar, 2010 - http://tiny.cc/MaineEvent - #breastcancer

Breast cancer warriors in UT, come out this Sat to support the fight on the Colorado River - http://www.raftforthecure.com - #breastcancer

After watching Marley & Me, I think it approp. to highlight this unique take on battling breast cancer - http://tiny.cc/CFTC - #breastcancer

Ain't this the truth? Unbelievable! RT @ArmyofWomen: "Women Deserve More From The Stimulus Package" Dr. Love http://ow.ly/fvnd #breastcancer

What folks won't do for breast cancer - RT @BCsurvivors: Man walks across USA to fight #breastcancer http://bit.ly/nWhfL #breastcancer

RT @AngeKinder: RT @GenesisPink: Remember on father's day that 1 in 1000 men will dev breast cancer. www.genesisuk.org to help the fight.

Literally, one of the best support systems I've seen; my sister, Heather LOVED this place! - http://tiny.cc/GatheringPlace - #breastcancer

This hits so close to home! RT @KomenOregon: Meet Heather http://bit.ly/13fOPl a young survivor who's screening was funded by Komen

There're AMAZING people out there! RT @SacBCRC SHOUT OUT 2 all the firefighters @ Station 1 for cooking food for 1 of our breast cancer pts

One of the most unique breast cancer sites; Star Wars Chicks Fight for the Cure - http://starwarschicks.com/f... - #breastcancer

Sign up for a reminder to get your annual mammograms ladies - http://tiny.cc/MammoReminder - #breastcancer

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Keep Track of Team Heather EVERYWHERE


1) See Team Heather X 2010 and watch our progress over the coming year click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeather2010

2) Follow Team Heather on Twitter (@teamheather) click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherTwitter

3) Follow us on the Team Heather Facebook page click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherFacebook

4) See the interview on ABC News Channel 8 and hear Heather’s story in a whole new way click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherYouTube

5) See WTOP’s coverage of Race Day and Team Heather’s involvement in the opening ceremonies click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherWTOP

6) See the breathtaking video, “Imagine Life Without Breast Cancer,” explaining our new global emphasis click here: http://tiny.cc/ImagineLifeWithoutBreastCancer

7) Read about Team Heather members in Maine making a difference click here: http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherBIWNews

8) Read coverage of the 1st Annual SCSS NJHS Talent Show click here:http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherSCSSTalentShow

9) Read the Washington Times article on Team Heather 2007 click here:http://tiny.cc/TeamHeatherWashTimes

10) Visit Conservatives for the Cure click here:http://conservativesforthecure.org/

11) View the history of Team Heather 2009 click here:http://tiny.cc/TeamHeather2009

12) View the history of Team Heather 2008 click here:http://tiny.cc/TeamHeather2008

Team Heather Goes Global....and so much more!

On Saturday, June 6th, nearly 45,000 people came together as a living testament to the power of individuals to impact the world. The outcome of this gathering was nothing short of miraculous $4,300,000 raised to help those battling breast cancer and to end breast cancer forever.

With the knowledge that every 68 seconds, a woman, along with her hopes and dreams and future, dies of breast cancer, and with cancer taking the lives of 7 million individuals worldwide each year, more than AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis combined, there has never been a more important time to act, so thank you!

With Komen’s promise of 75% of all monies raised going towards supporting the underserved and disadvantaged in the Nation’s Capital, an estimated $3,225,000 will stay in Washington, D.C. a record for our event. The remaining $1,075,000 will make a much-needed global impact in areas like Serbia, the country with the highest breast cancer rates in the world. In one small village, over 800 women were recently diagnosed with varying stages of breast cancer.

Team Heather’s contribution to these efforts is momentous. So far in 2009, Team Heather members, donors, supporters, friends, and family have raised an astonishing $55,193.72; bringing our overall total to $241,393.72 since 2002.

Because of you, and with Komen’s promise, $41,395.29 of what we raised will go towards essential breast cancer programs, similar to: “Increasing Breast Cancer Screening Capacity for Women Living in Poverty,” “Massage Therapy for Medically Underserved Breast Cancer Patients,” “Brains, Breasts & Beauty: The Use It or Lose It Program for Women 18-40,” “Breast Cancer Screening and Education for Low-Income Latinas,” “Increasing Breast Cancer Screening for Women with Disabilities,” and more.

With the addition of a global focus this year, the work of Team Heather will be farther-reaching than ever; the remaining $13,798.43 U.S. dollars will make a HUGE impact towards something like the purchase of a mobile mammography vehicle for a developing country.

I promised Heather I would continue leading our small efforts towards this remarkable campaign of realizing a world without breast cancer. Over the past months, I’ve visited the Komen website daily, where the words “Impact: Make One!” struck me deeper with each and every visit. On Saturday, June 6th, I saw 45,000 people with “Impact: I Made One!” on their backs. They, like you, are a testament to the power of this campaign.

On Saturday, June 5, 2010, Team Heather will celebrate our 10th anniversary in the groundbreaking event that is now the Global Race for the Cure Team Heather X, if I might. It will be the landmark year where we surpass a quarter-of-a-million dollars raised in Heather’s name; where we see new team fundraisers like “Poker for the Cure” in Maine, “OctoberBreast for the Cure” in Virginia, and “Renee for the Cure” in Florida, with dozens of events in between; and where we will once again assemble in Washington, D.C. to shout as one, with the loudest, proudest, strongest voice possible, “Impact: I Made One!”

Registration is ALREADY up and running for Team Heather X. To join today, and to never have to hear an appeal for the 2010 race from me that, in itself, is worth it simply click on the link.

Yours with great appreciation,
Shawn Gardner
Team Heather Captain