Monday, January 30, 2006

Write a Letter to the President Asking Him to Fund Breast Cancer Research

Action Alert!

This year, more than 40,000 women will die from breast cancer. We are making a difference right now, and so can you! Just visit and sent a letter to the President and Congress thanking them for extending the life of the Breast Cancer Research Stamp. This simple effort has generated over $34.5 million for breast cancer research.

With the State of the Union around the corner, and millions of Americans tuning in to listen, let's express our hope that the President includes funding for breast cancer research in his priorities for the coming year. As President Bush prepares to address the nation, join me and thousands of others in urging him to use this forum to help educate Americans about the importance of breast cancer programs. Send your letter today!

Please join me, Team Heather, and our friends and family. Click here to send your free letter.

All of us, united together, can make a difference in the lives of women and families facing breast cancer. Send your letter today.


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