Thursday, January 26, 2006

Team Heather Sets The Goal For 2006 And The National Race For The Cure

Team Heather $30 K - 2006 (TH30K06)

Team Heather 2005 Places Third out of over 1000 Teams, Raising over $27,500

As you may know, the 17th annual Susan G. Komen National Race for the Cure® is on June 3, 2006. The National Race for the Cure® is the largest 5K in the world. This will be the 6th consecutive year Team Heather, a team created in honor of my sister, Heather Gardner Starcher, has participated in this deeply satisfying and consequential experience. We are determined to surpass our fundraising efforts of last year, where, with the help of folks like you, Team Heather raised over $27,500. Please think about making your philanthropic efforts for 2006 be Team Heather and the National Race for the Cure®. Thank you and $30,000, here we come!

I thought it might help those of you who never met Heather, to learn a bit about her. She was my youngest sister. Heather was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer at age 25 and participated in the National Race for the Cure® in 2001 and 2002. Heather offered herself up to speak around Northeast Ohio on the importance of early detection and treatment for breast cancer.

As a big sister in the Big Brothers & Big Sisters Program® for over six years, and as a volunteer counselor for children with disabilities at Camp Wonderlung, Heather was determined to help improve the quality of life for those less fortunate. It is no small wonder that her desire to make a difference in the lives of the disadvantaged merged perfectly with her the fight against breast cancer and her passion for The Komen National Race for the Cure. Here, monies raised go to providing underprivileged women with the financial assistance to battle this deadly disease.

Heather’s intense desire to inform and educate other women, young and old alike, on the dangers of emerging breast cancer guided her decision to proudly go wigless and hatless throughout her treatment. At 26, and recently married, Heather lost the battle with breast cancer she had been fighting for over a year and a half.

I would be honored if you aided in Heather’s ongoing battle in 2006, by either joining Team Heather as a member, or donating to the cause in the name of Team Heather.

How are you making a difference and leaving your mark right now? There are three ways to do just that in supporting Team Heather and the fight against breast cancer. 1) Join Team Heather; 2) Sponsor Team Heather; 3) Spread the message of Team Heather. Doing one of these is great, doing two or three of these will all but ensure that we reach our fundraising goal of $30,000 in 2006.

Please think first about joining the team. By becoming a member of Team Heather you will have the opportunity to help raise funds through your very own website set up for you on the National Race for the Cure’s® website. It doesn't matter if you can physically make it to the race on June 3, 2006 or not. Your participation as a team member, raising funds for an issue that touches so many lives, will help the mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, friends, and coworkers of all of us.

If joining the team and raising funds is just not something you are able to do at this time, please think about donating to Team Heather. By donating any amount of money, you will receive the satisfaction of contributing to the fight against breast cancer. You will also help to propel this tiny little team into the ranks of the big boys. We consistently raise more money than every bank, university, embassy, branch of the military, lobbying group, sports team, and other larger organizations, year after year.

No matter what you do, PLEASE forward this appeal and information to those in your address book who would be interested in joining the fight. There will be no way we can raise $30,000 without your help in some way.

Directions for either joining Team Heather or donating to the team will be coming shortly on this website. Even though the race is in June, the sooner you decide to participate in some way the sooner Team Heather will meet the required numbers to qualify for the 2006 National Race for the Cure®.

Thank you very much for your consideration and thank you for your efforts to end this devastating disease. We love and miss you tremendously Heather!

You CAN make a difference. PLEASE act now!

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