Thursday, January 14, 2010

Team Heather's NEW Home

From 1/14/10 on, please visit for all Team Heather updates, information, Global Race for the Cure fundraising, Twitter and Facebook links, and more. Thank you Blogspot, but Wordpress is just so much better!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

My "2009 Year in Review"

Happy New Year!

As I put together what has become a bit of a tradition with family and friends - my self-indulgent, sarcastic, "Year in Review" poem - I'd like to take a moment to thank you so very much for your support of Team Heather in years passed. Thanks to folks like you, we have raised over $245,000 for Susan G. Komen and the global battle to end breast cancer. Our 10th Anniversary efforts will begin in earnest in less than two months. We hope you will once again join us in 2010. Until then, enjoy, and Happy New Year!

Shawn Gardner's
"2009 Year in Review"
(Read in 8/6/8/6 Syllabic Verse)

The decade ends, with one great year.
Chalk full of stuff to use.
So sit right back, and grab your beer.
Or wine, or shot of booze.

Facebook gave us ways to chat.
The Kindle holds our books.
The iPhone gives, “An app for that!”
And Twitter really cooks.

Old TVs’ rabbit ears don’t work.
And Oprah’s called it quits.
Jay Leno moved his jokes and smirk.
But now, his show’s the pits.

Some folks made things so down right odd.
That Levi showed his junk.
Woods showed, at last, that he’s no God.
And Gaga wore a skunk.

I wish “Glam-bert” did win AI.
I’d beat Chris Brown’s punk ass.
“I Dreamed a Dream of Time Gone By.”
Put Boyle top of class.

We lost our minds, with Jon and Kate.
Can’t they, and Octo-Mom,
Meet with an awful, TV fate.
Or just all move to Guam.

Our blonde angel, from us, did leave.
A munchkin met his, “Wiz”.
Cronkite signed off, on his last eve.
“And that’s the way it is.”

Ted now joins his two big bros.
The “Lion” lead the way.
Paul Harvey will write no more prose.
He finally said, “Good Day!”

I got Swine Flu, way back in June.
And felt I joined this crowd.
Then there’s the boy, from the balloon.
His pop seemed down right proud.

That Rep. made news, with one, “YOU LIE!”
Iran saw some votes cast.
Those town hall meets, let folks ask, “Why?”
Polanski’s caught at last.

Prejean, the “Queen of Clean,” made porn.
And Phelps was snapped with pot.
Fort Hood gave us so much to mourn.
Some pirates stole a yacht.

Mark Sanford did not hike “the trail.”
But still, he pitched a tent.
That sprinter chick turned out a male.
And Ensign’s quite the gent.

Health care reform, has caused a fight.
“Death panels,” aren’t for me.
The Cash for [Cars] was not planned right.
But caused a spending spree.

That captain put his plane down fine.
The Hudson saw a show.
And shootings in a DC “shrine”.
A Nazi causing woe.

DC made news, with that train crash.
The Metro’s still so sound.
The White House crashers, are such trash.
Palin’s “[Gone] Rogue” was crowned.

Maine folks took back our rights to wed.
But DC said we can.
I met the Veep, at his nice spread.
With all the Komen clan.

Now to that race, we love so much.
The global race to cure.
We walked and ran and slept, and such.
And raised some cash, for sure.

Our team turned heads; a pink/black crew.
Team Heather’s power stays.
This brand new year, I say to you.
A-quarter- mil we’ll raise!

So, now, please save a small cash nest.
To donate to the team.
Cause don’t you all, just love the breast?
“Boobs?” “Ta-tas?” “Bags of Dream?”

Now on to sports, let’s start the show.
The Redskins really blew!
Poor Tiger’s flings, have caused him woe.
Tim Tebow really threw.

The New York Yanks, scored one more ring.
“Steel City” ballers ruled.
The Lakers ruled the courts in Spring.
Those Penguins, all but schooled.

Most fam came to the F. o. S.
All gathered here in June.
Our nieces look like kids, much less.
So soon, the guys will swoon.

Mom’s knees took her, to all new heights
Dad’s agency is great.
Renee and John, snapped ghostly sights.
Our little girl turned eight.

Winchester ate no poo at all.
We sure do love our hounds.
Our fam’ly got a bit more small.
Cause Chris and Shawn lost pounds.

Maine kin, did share, our lake side fun.
And Jay and K have drums.
The Kirby's soon should have a son.
We’ll all cheer, when he comes.

The Gilboys had seats at the ‘bowl.
And Corey’s ear’s now fine.
The Baslers, in their socks, found coal.
To all friends, “Glad you’re mine!”

My pals, at SoCo, make work fun.
And Chris now has GO Proud.
With him, I feel, I’ve really won.
To him, my heart is vowed.

I feel so blessed, to know you all.
You make up my life’s beat.
So post a word, please, on my wall.
Or tag me, in a tweet.

Text me, call me, e-mail me news.
Or IM, if you dare.
Toast me, some time, with heady brews
Or throw me up a prayer.

Please know, you’re thought of this New Year.
Although, we might not speak.
And even if it may sound queer.
With you, my life’s less bleak!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

112 of the Most Favorite Tweets I've Written on @TeamHeather

Egypt celebrates its first Race for the Cure, bringing a focus on breast cancer to North. Africa & the Middle East -

Men, when a woman in your life gets breast cancer, remember, she's the Commander in Chief in fighting this disease -

1 of the most creative & comprehensive breast cancer directories ever seen. It is in AU, and US programs, take note! -

VERY interesting, touching, and diverse "group journal" blog written by breast cancer survivors -

MaryEllen Locher Found. provides secondary ed scholarships 4 kids who've lost a parent to breast cancer & of breast cancer survivors:

Breast cancer survivors who've had a mastectomy, some tips 2 help you become more comfortable w/intimacy after surgery:

In breast cancer journey, women need a boyfriend, husband, fiancé, girlfriend, or a partner who is patient -

Spouses of breast cancer survivors find a safe place to share anxieties and experiences at support group -

One of the FEW resources for young women! Young Women’s Breast Cancer Program offers personal support & ed for young women:

Study of over 44,000 women shows more evidence linking obesity to likelihood of developing diseases like breast cancer:

The most effective way to fight breast cancer is to detect it early. Check out this thorough self-exam "How to" -

AWESOME video on breast cancer survivors recovering through a military style exercise called Breast Cancer Boot Camp -

New development in detecting breast cancer combines mammo & CT scans, using comfortable device to detect single photons:

Wonderful book survivors can read free online! "Dancing With Fear: Tips & Wisdom From Breast Cancer Survivors" -

Pres. Obama awards Pres. Medal of Freedom, highest civilian honor, to breast cancer activist Nancy Brinker, founder of Komen for the Cure!

GREAT read! "B.O.O.B.S.: A Bunch Of Outrageous Breast-Cancer Survivors Tell Their Stories of Courage, Hope & Healing" -

Komen for the Cure Ambassador, René Syler, speaks about how to cope with the fear of a recurrence of breast cancer -

Evid shows when women are more involved in making own surgery choices, w/less Dr input, they are more apt 2 choose mastectomy:

Program to educate Amish & Mennonite women on importance of regular breast self-exams & provide them w/free health screenings:

Slide show of stages of breast cancer; stages give your doctor idea of your prognosis & the likely outcome of disease -

100 Dubai hosp staff to take basic training in breast cancer detection prior to 12 month Emirate-wide aware camp in Oct:

Computer program created that uses artificial intell. to help doctors predict earlier whether breast cancer has metastasized:

My mother survived, my 26 year old sis did not; how to deal w/survivor guilt & "why am I here?" after breast cancer is gone -

Breast cancer & women in prison: few self-examined, little knowledge of symptoms & risk factors, in need of health education:

New study shows women who smoke while undergoing therapy for breast cancer are more than twice as likely to die -

Books for breasts cancer survivors as they recover & need advice, inspiration, motivation or a good old fashion laugh:

Artificial Lighting & Breast Cancer: Blind women have low rates of bc. Nurses & night shift workers have high rates -

“Discovering Hands” is training blind women to use developed tactile skills to detect breast cancer earlier & better than drs

Proposed legislation would help make women under 40 aware of their elevated risk for breast cancer -

Deceptively simple non-med tips to help breast cancer survs. cope w/emotional & physical challenges -

Guys can feel so helpless in their loved ones' fights against breast cancer. No more! -

A great support for couples as they face breast cancer together -

Find a convenient place to have a mammogram near you -

Sign up for a reminder to get your annual mammograms ladies -

Don't know WHAT to do for your friend/loved one diagnosed w/breast cancer? Helpful gifts/gestures -

Find breast cancer clinical trials near you or targeted at you -

A friend just had her 1st mammo; I thought info on how to prepare for a mammo might be helpful -

6 Breast cancer symptoms most women don't know about -

Considering BRCA1 & BRCA2 genetic testing for breast cancer? Everything you need to know about benefits and limitations

Are you a breast cancer "pre-vivor?" One who, either through family or genetic link, needs to prepare for the possibility of bc?

The Bipartisan Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act needs your support! Bill -; Petition -

Breast Cancer Awareness Contest for best & most unique celebrations of '09 National Breast Cancer Awareness Month:

Check out movie “Living Proof,” true story of Dr. Dennis Slamon, the UCLA doc who helped develop the breast cancer drug Herceptin - AMAZING!

Meet four women who survived breast cancer thanks to Herceptin: medicine whose discovery is documented in movie "Living Proof"

Man's best friend might specifically be woman's best friend; studies show dogs can smell breast cancer on breath -

You, and not your doctors, are in charge of your breast cancer medical care. How to train your doctors -

Have friends/family members who smoke around you or loved ones; secondhand smoke linked to breast cancer for years!

Every relationship is tested by breast cancer; SEX & INTIMACY afterwards:,,

Happy inside & out helps fight breast cancer; tips for survivors:,,

First mammogram? Time for your annual one? Prescribed one cause of a lump? Are you nervous? Use the Buddy System!

In some cultures, there's no word for cancer. How Asians, Native Americans, Latinas, & Muslims deal w/ breast cancer:

My surviving sister experiences this every year: How to make it through breast cancer false alarms -

Study found women living in brightest neighborhoods were 73% more likely to suffer from breast cancer -

"Why I Cut Off My Breasts!" Cameras follow René Syler through this extreme surgery to prevent breast cancer -

Had a mastectomy, or know a woman who has, and having a hard time finding a swimsuit that fits? Excellent resource!

One virulent fast-acting type of breast cancer attacks more than twice as many young black women as all other women:

"Lump!" "Cancer!" "Mastectomy!" "Radiation!" "Chemo!" "Reconstruction!" How to explain this to kids? RESOURCES! -

Telling kids about breast cancer is hard. Use these huggable dolls (& accompanying 34 pg book) as a comforting tool -

Breast cancer costs $200,000, so when it is present and health insurance is not, turn to Pretty in Pink -

Diagnosed w/ breast cancer? Understand your pathology report by getting past medical jargon & knowing the facts -

What's your breast cancer IQ? Take quizzes or share:,,,

How do we change this? "African American women tend to refuse late stage breast cancer treatment" -

You've heard of "What Not To Wear" - This is what not to say when a loved one tells you she has breast cancer -

For any young woman in your life diagnosed w/ breast cancer - - It was SO hard for my 26 yo sister to find support!

For guys like me, brothers, husbands, fathers, & friends, great site for supporting loved ones fighting breast cancer:

Great resource for African-American women diagnosed with breast cancer -

Great resource for Latina women diagnosed with breast cancer -

Great resource for high-risk women or "pre-vivors" who know they'll battle breast cancer -

Great resource for lesbians diagnosed with breast cancer -

All male breast cancer info! How common, causes, risks factors, types, symptoms, staging, treatment, & prognosis -

From dogs, cats, fish, birds, horses, pigs, and others, pet therapy can do WONDERS when battling breast cancer -

Ladies recently diagnosed w/ breast cancer: need help? have questions? talk? Call this 24 hr hotline & speak to a survivor - 1-800-221-2141

Men w/ a woman in their lives recently diagnosed w/ breast cancer, check out the 24 hr support network, Men's Match Program @ 1-800-221-2141

Knowing the 10 emotional responses one diagnosed w/ breast cancer experiences will help others support & nurture her:

Teens feel helpless when someone they love is diagnosed w/ breast cancer! Check out list of things they can do in the fight:

At risk for breast cancer or know someone who is, take a look at the Top 10 foods that will help reduce that risk -

In '07, I told Heather's story in the Senate before a hearing looking into funding for diseases like breast cancer:

"My illness has a first name it's b-r-e-a-s-t. My illness has a second name it's c-a-n-c-e-r" Songs from a survivor:

Alright, I promised breast cancer humor here as well, so here it goes -

Check out this AWESOME animated & video navigation map for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer:

The Mayo Clinic announces lifestyle factors that can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer - Know the facts! -

Check out these myths about breast cancer; know yourself and know the facts! -

One of my favorite names fighting breast cancer; "Knocker Walkers" - 1) Get friends; 2) Pick a breast cancer event; 3) Get a good name 4) FIGHT!

Meet Lea Yekutiel, a woman who loves her breast cancer and what it has done for her - lemons into lemonade folks! -

Pledge to get your mammo now w/Mammograms for a Million Moms - for every 1,000,000 screened, 1,000 lives can be saved:

Suzan St Maur had cancer twice and believes humor & laughter helps survivors & co-survivors through it - GOOD LAUGH:

Contrary to belief, pregnancy-associated breast cancer doesn't appear to be any more deadly than bc in non-pregnant women -

Check out Making Memories! Their mission is to grant wishes for metastatic breast cancer patients:

In the battle against breast cancer, you GOTTA get creative! Enter, ME's Barron's Bottles for Boobs -

A collection of breast cancer podcasts, from survivors, on many ways to make like w/breast cancer a bit easier -

DON'T KILL THE MESSENGER! Not sure about accuracy of this study, but you have to admit, it's funny:

Great read! "The Victoria's Secret Catalog Never Stops Coming : and Other Lessons I Learned from Breast Cancer" -

Spectacular short films about breast cancer, survivors, co-survivors, treatment, and so much more -

This is appropriate coming from a teacher - "An apple a day keeps the breast cancer away?" -

The size of a female baby at birth might affect the likelihood of her developing breast cancer later in life -

Presented at American College of Sports Medicine's Conference: Working out after age 30 may lower risk of breast cancer -

My interview about Team Heather & the battle against breast cancer on DC's ABC News Channel 8 -

Alternative ways to support the breast cancer fight -,,, or

View Komen's new global focus in emotional video -

An unbelievably inspirational story of one woman's mental battle prior to her mastectomy -

Producer of Charlize Theron's "Monster" makes "Decoding Annie Parker." Story of bc survivor’s research that led to disc of BRCA1

Guide to save people time & energy in finding key breast cancer information online (GREAT RESOURCE) -

Article I wrote in Family Magazine for Susan G. Komen on experiences of being a co-survivor -

192,370 women will be diagnosed with and 40,170 women will die of breast cancer in 2009; know your risks!

Don't know WHAT to do for your friend/loved one diagnosed w/breast cancer? Helpful gifts/gestures -

WHY does anyone smoke, especially when more and more is learned about its link to breast cancer -

Take a minute to sign the "I Vote for the Cure" Petition, which outlines 3 critical goals for Obama -

After watching Marley & Me, I think it appropriate to highlight this unique take on battling breast cancer -

Literally, one of the best support systems I've seen; my sister, Heather LOVED this place! -

A look at the impact of prenatal-to-adult environ exposures that may predispose women to breast cancer -

Deceptively simple non-med tips to help breast cancer survivors cope w/emotional & physical challenges -

Get empowered by those things you CAN control; look at the 7 ways to help prevent breast cancer -

Friday, July 24, 2009

Breast Cancer Care Under a Private or Government-run Health Care Plan?

I am an American living under a private health care system, an American who lived and worked in London and was covered under Britain's government-run health care system. I have dedicated my life to helping women and men realize the breast cancer risks they may face. Through my Team Heather fundraising, blogging, speaking, facebooking, writing, and twittering, I have read a great deal on the differences between service under different health care systems, and it has become clear there are problems under any system a country might employ: private or government-run.

So, private health care plan or government-run health care plan?

It has been stated, under President Obama's proposed health care reform plan, one would be able to keep one's current private health care coverage as long as it remains available from one's employer. The employer responsibilities and obligations under any proposed legislation is still up in the air, however, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that over 100 million employees will leave private health care, in lieu of being dumped by their employers into the government-run system.

Private employers and insurers will find it difficult to compete against the federal government - unlike the federal government, private employers and insurers must answer to stockholders and boards, balance their budgets, produce earnings, make sensible decisions, and so much more. It isn't as simple as those currently pleased with their private health care coverage being able to continue on uninterrupted; much of the decision, or the facts that go into making that decision, will be out of their hands and out of their control. I know for a fact, as an employee of the Fairfax County Public School System who is pleased with his current private health care plan, I will be asked to accept government-based health care.

When it comes to attempting to pinpoint how many Americans are currently uninsured, the number "47 million" has been batted about quite consistently. However, to say 47 million Americans do not have insurance isn't exactly accurate. Of the 47 million uninsured in the United States, 9.7 million are not citizens of this country. Another 14 million of those uninsured are eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP but have never signed up for either program. They could have either form of government insurance if they made a visit to the emergency room. Another 17.6 million of those uninsured have annual incomes of more than $50,000. This leaves approximately 5.5 million Americans currently without insurance - clearly a group of individuals who need a departure from and an improvement upon the present health care system.

The 1018 page health care reform bill currently being discussed has sparked an examination into health care and treatment in countries with similar government-run plans around the world. We clearly have problems under the current United States private health care system. Covering the 5.5 million uninsured Americans should be a priority and addressing other problems within our current health care system should be paramount, but a blanket statement that the United States has "a very serious health care problem" isn't taking into consideration some recent studies and reports:

Breast cancer mortality is 52% higher in Germany than in the United States, and 88% higher in the United Kingdom. When it comes to breast cancer, early detection is key to survival. The BBC reported that United States women were more likely to survive breast cancer than their European counterparts because they are diagnosed earlier. Similarly, prostate cancer mortality is 604% higher in the U.K. and 457% higher in Norway and the mortality rate for colorectal cancer among British men and women is about 40% higher than their counterparts in the United States, who participate in a private health care system. ("Cancer Survival in Five Continents: A Worldwide Population-based Study" & "Europe: Failing on Breast Cancer")

Some 56% of Americans who could benefit are taking statins, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors designed to reduce cholesterol and protect against heart disease. By comparison, of those patients who could benefit from these drugs in countries with government-run health care systems, only 36% of the Dutch, 29% of the Swiss, 26% of Germans, 23% of Britons and 17% of Italians receive them. ("Diffusion of Medicines in Europe" & "The Grass is Not Always Greener: A Look at National Health Care Systems around the World")

Americans of the appropriate age have better access to preventive cancer screening under their private health care system than Canadians of the same appropriate age under their government-run health care. Nine of 10 middle-aged American women (89%) have had a mammogram, compared to less than three-fourths of Canadians (72%). Nearly all American women (96%) have had a pap smear, compared to less than 90% of Canadians. More than half of American men (54%) have had a PSA test, compared to less than 1 in 6 Canadians (16%). Nearly one-third of Americans (30%) have had a colonoscopy, compared with less than 1 in 20 Canadians (5%). Accessibility and availability to life-saving screening methods are greater under private health care systems. ("Health Status, Health Care and Inequality: Canada vs. the U.S.")

More than 70 percent of German, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and British adults say their health system needs either "fundamental change" or "complete rebuilding." ("Toward Higher-Performance Health Systems: Adults' Health Care Experiences In Seven Countries, 2007")

Criticized as a waste of resources by economists and policymakers, an overwhelming majority of leading American physicians identified computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the most important medical innovations for improving patient care during the previous decade. The United States has 34 CT scanners per million Americans, compared to 12 per million in Canada and eight per million in Britain. The United States has nearly 27 MRI machines per million compared to about 6 per million in Canada and Britain. Access to these life-saving innovations is more limited under government-run health care systems. ("Physicians' Views of the Relative Importance of 30 Medical Innovations" and "OECD Health Data 2008, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development")

Health care innovations thrive under free market health care systems: 1) The top five U.S. hospitals conduct more clinical trials than all the hospitals in any other single developed country. 2) Since the mid-1970s, the Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology has gone to American residents more often than recipients from all other countries combined - In only five of the past 34 years did a scientist living in America not win or share in the prize. 4) Most important recent medical innovations were developed in the United States. (The Nobel Prize Internet Archive and "The U.S. Health Care System as an Engine of Innovation")

Hospital by hospital data, unpublished by the Scottish Government, shows that, for certain types of cancer, patients in some units are waiting an average of 100 days before getting treated. Between January and April in 2008, head and neck cancer patients at Hairmyres Hospital in East Kilbride waited an average of 112 days after GP referral before treatment. Average waits at Falkirk and District Royal Hospitals for gastrointestinal cancer between April and June was 118 days. In the same quarter, patients at Stobhill Hospital in Glasgow suffering from urological cancer waited an average of 105 days. The figures also show that lengthy waits are still common for cancers such as breast cancer, where speedy treatment is needed and life-saving. Of 28 hospitals treating women with breast cancer in 2008's last quarter, 14 had an average wait of over 40 days. ("Secret Wait for Cancer Patients")

No system is perfect. Our health care system needs help. It is clear that other countries also find challenges and difficulties with their own systems of health care. It will be interesting to see how things play out in the future for the United States and its friends, when it comes to health care reform, however, in my work within the breast cancer movement, I am finding more and more evidence that being screened, tested, diagnosed, treated, and monitored for breast cancer under a private health care system leads to more positive outcomes.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

"So You Think You Can (Fight Breast Cancer)?"

This is a piece highlighting a dance on Wednesday night's "So You Think You Can Dance." The dance, choreographed by Emmy Award winning Tyce Diorio, was meant to represent a woman's struggle with breast cancer, showing the way she'd react, fight, survive, as well as how her friends would support her in her battle. Breathtakingly poignant!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Logo for Team Heather

Team Heather introduces its new Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Global Race for the Cure and Fundraising logo - TA DA!!!


1) See Team Heather X 2010 and watch our progress over the coming year click here:

2) Follow Team Heather on Twitter (@teamheather) click here:

3) Follow us on the Team Heather Facebook page click here:

4) See the interview on ABC News Channel 8 and hear Heather’s story in a whole new way click here:

5) See WTOP’s coverage of Race Day and Team Heather’s involvement in the opening ceremonies click here:

6) See the breathtaking video, “Imagine Life Without Breast Cancer,” explaining our new global emphasis click here:

7) Read about Team Heather members in Maine making a difference click here:

8) Read coverage of the 1st Annual SCSS NJHS Talent Show click here:

9) Read the Washington Times article on Team Heather 2007 click here:

10) Visit Conservatives for the Cure click here:

11) View the history of Team Heather 2009 click here:

12) View the history of Team Heather 2008 click here:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Barron's Bottles for Boobs

Imagine Life Without Breast Cancer.

That is what they are doing in Maine. Lyndon & Lee Ann Barron are getting serious early in the fundraising for Team Heather and the 2010 Global Race for the Cure. Even though the 2010 Race is a year away, the Barron's feel it is never too early to start raising money for this incredibly important cause. So, on June 20, 2009, Lyndon & Lee Barron officially launched:
The Barron's will be collecting returnable bottles and cans from friends and neighbors within their community of Damariscotta, ME, with all proceeds going to Team Heather in the 2010 Global Race for the Cure.

All summer, (all year if their community would like!) the Barron's will gladly pick up returnable bottles and cans and take them away; or, community members may drop these empties off at their leisure. Lyndon & Lee Ann have established a "Bottles for Boobs" Drop Off Container next to their garage and invite friends and neighbors within their community to come by anytime!! Every nickel redeemed will be donated to Team Heather in the 2010 Global Race for the Cure to end breast cancer.

Please support the Barron's in this effort! When visiting the Team Heather website, look for team member Lee Ann Barron for an easy online donation; if you have any questions about "Bottles for Boobs," feel free to contact Lyndon & Lee Ann at

So............. Barron's Bottles for Boobs is in full swing!!