Sunday, January 03, 2010

My "2009 Year in Review"

Happy New Year!

As I put together what has become a bit of a tradition with family and friends - my self-indulgent, sarcastic, "Year in Review" poem - I'd like to take a moment to thank you so very much for your support of Team Heather in years passed. Thanks to folks like you, we have raised over $245,000 for Susan G. Komen and the global battle to end breast cancer. Our 10th Anniversary efforts will begin in earnest in less than two months. We hope you will once again join us in 2010. Until then, enjoy, and Happy New Year!

Shawn Gardner's
"2009 Year in Review"
(Read in 8/6/8/6 Syllabic Verse)

The decade ends, with one great year.
Chalk full of stuff to use.
So sit right back, and grab your beer.
Or wine, or shot of booze.

Facebook gave us ways to chat.
The Kindle holds our books.
The iPhone gives, “An app for that!”
And Twitter really cooks.

Old TVs’ rabbit ears don’t work.
And Oprah’s called it quits.
Jay Leno moved his jokes and smirk.
But now, his show’s the pits.

Some folks made things so down right odd.
That Levi showed his junk.
Woods showed, at last, that he’s no God.
And Gaga wore a skunk.

I wish “Glam-bert” did win AI.
I’d beat Chris Brown’s punk ass.
“I Dreamed a Dream of Time Gone By.”
Put Boyle top of class.

We lost our minds, with Jon and Kate.
Can’t they, and Octo-Mom,
Meet with an awful, TV fate.
Or just all move to Guam.

Our blonde angel, from us, did leave.
A munchkin met his, “Wiz”.
Cronkite signed off, on his last eve.
“And that’s the way it is.”

Ted now joins his two big bros.
The “Lion” lead the way.
Paul Harvey will write no more prose.
He finally said, “Good Day!”

I got Swine Flu, way back in June.
And felt I joined this crowd.
Then there’s the boy, from the balloon.
His pop seemed down right proud.

That Rep. made news, with one, “YOU LIE!”
Iran saw some votes cast.
Those town hall meets, let folks ask, “Why?”
Polanski’s caught at last.

Prejean, the “Queen of Clean,” made porn.
And Phelps was snapped with pot.
Fort Hood gave us so much to mourn.
Some pirates stole a yacht.

Mark Sanford did not hike “the trail.”
But still, he pitched a tent.
That sprinter chick turned out a male.
And Ensign’s quite the gent.

Health care reform, has caused a fight.
“Death panels,” aren’t for me.
The Cash for [Cars] was not planned right.
But caused a spending spree.

That captain put his plane down fine.
The Hudson saw a show.
And shootings in a DC “shrine”.
A Nazi causing woe.

DC made news, with that train crash.
The Metro’s still so sound.
The White House crashers, are such trash.
Palin’s “[Gone] Rogue” was crowned.

Maine folks took back our rights to wed.
But DC said we can.
I met the Veep, at his nice spread.
With all the Komen clan.

Now to that race, we love so much.
The global race to cure.
We walked and ran and slept, and such.
And raised some cash, for sure.

Our team turned heads; a pink/black crew.
Team Heather’s power stays.
This brand new year, I say to you.
A-quarter- mil we’ll raise!

So, now, please save a small cash nest.
To donate to the team.
Cause don’t you all, just love the breast?
“Boobs?” “Ta-tas?” “Bags of Dream?”

Now on to sports, let’s start the show.
The Redskins really blew!
Poor Tiger’s flings, have caused him woe.
Tim Tebow really threw.

The New York Yanks, scored one more ring.
“Steel City” ballers ruled.
The Lakers ruled the courts in Spring.
Those Penguins, all but schooled.

Most fam came to the F. o. S.
All gathered here in June.
Our nieces look like kids, much less.
So soon, the guys will swoon.

Mom’s knees took her, to all new heights
Dad’s agency is great.
Renee and John, snapped ghostly sights.
Our little girl turned eight.

Winchester ate no poo at all.
We sure do love our hounds.
Our fam’ly got a bit more small.
Cause Chris and Shawn lost pounds.

Maine kin, did share, our lake side fun.
And Jay and K have drums.
The Kirby's soon should have a son.
We’ll all cheer, when he comes.

The Gilboys had seats at the ‘bowl.
And Corey’s ear’s now fine.
The Baslers, in their socks, found coal.
To all friends, “Glad you’re mine!”

My pals, at SoCo, make work fun.
And Chris now has GO Proud.
With him, I feel, I’ve really won.
To him, my heart is vowed.

I feel so blessed, to know you all.
You make up my life’s beat.
So post a word, please, on my wall.
Or tag me, in a tweet.

Text me, call me, e-mail me news.
Or IM, if you dare.
Toast me, some time, with heady brews
Or throw me up a prayer.

Please know, you’re thought of this New Year.
Although, we might not speak.
And even if it may sound queer.
With you, my life’s less bleak!

1 comment:

starpower said...

What a great poem! Love it!
