Saturday, March 04, 2006

Team Heather Adds United States Congressman Jim Kolbe to the Team as the 2006 Honorary Chairman

Family and friends of Team Heather had no words to explain the excitement we felt when we announced that Eddie From Ohio's lead singer, Julie Murphy Wells, agreed to become the team's 2006 Honorary Team Captain. It is with just as much celebration that we announce United States Congressman, and close friend, Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) has agreed to become our 2006 Honorary Team Chairman, saying, "I would be honored to serve as your Honorary Chairman for your team."

TEAM HEATHER HAS A UNITED STATES CONGRESSMAN FOR OUR HONORARY CHAIRMAN!!! This is all very hard to believe for those of us who sat in a neighbor's back patio years ago and decided that we were going to make Team Heather a fundraising force to be reckoned with. A new Team Heather awareness website, a nationally known bands' lead singer as our Honorary Team Captain, a United States Congressman a our Honorary Chairman, and a $30,000 fundraising goal - 2006 will be quite a year for Team Heather.

Representative Kolbe, an 11 term Congressman from Arizona, is an advocate for personal savings accounts, a leader and proponent of immigration reform and strengthening border security, and a fierce proponent of smaller government, lower taxes, and more individual responsibility. Most importantly to Team Heather, Congressman Koble has demonstrated his desire to help in the fight against breast cancer by joining our team. Thanks Jim!

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