Friday, April 20, 2007

It has been over a month since we started the 2007 Team Heather National Race for the Cure fundraising efforts and yesterday we moved into the Number 1 spot out of hundreds and hundreds of teams. Monies raised will help to ensure that underserved women in the DC Area receive the breast cancer education, screening, and treatment they so urgently need and deserve. Think about this... Last year, Team Heather raised over $50,000. The National Race for the Cure raised $3.3 million overall, and Komen was able to keep a record $1.9 million here in the DC area. Which means, the fundraising efforts of Team Heather alone raised over 2.5% of the DC monies raised in 2006!!! We are shooting for just as much this year and could use your help by going to our Team Heather website.

Some UNBELIEVABLE things have happened recently:

1) Heather’s story was highlighted as the human side of testimony at a Senate Subcommittee Meeting on funding for the National Institute of Health, and I shared Heather’s story, and the importance of breast cancer research, at a Senate press conference afterwards with Senators Harkin and Specter.
2) South County Secondary School’s 80 Junior National Honor Society members are putting on a school-wide talent show, joining the team, setting fundraising goals, and seeking participation from local businesses, all in order to raise funds for Team Heather and the National Race for the Cure – the grand prize is a fully catered dinner for 100 donated by a local Mexican restaurant.
3) I am being honored with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Co-Survivor of the Year Award at a ceremony chaired by DC’s Mayor on the National Mall on April 26 and was asked to be the very first co-survivor to participate in Komen’s Media Training (enabling me to now speak on behalf of Susan G. Komen for the Cure).
4) Team Heather's 2006 Honorary Team Captain, Julie Murphy Wells, was named the 2007 Susan G. Komen BMW Ultimate Drive for the Cure Local Hero. Together with her friends and family, 21 of us drove from Alexandria, Virginia to Silver Spring, Maryland in 2008 BMW's, raising over $1400 for breast cancer research.

But NONE of this matters if folks don’t take one minute, open their checkbooks, and give a little to the fight against breast cancer. So please, if you are reading this, act today!

Together we CAN make a difference! Thank you in advance.

Shawn Gardner
Team Captain, Team Heather